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Garment Kits for LES COUSINES

Sometimes you just want to make it yourself.

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Cousins Violette and Sabine, both like-minded hands-on creatives, dreamt of a world where their passion for hand-crafting garments was shared with a wider community and that this connectivity helped spread joy and satisfaction to others. With this in mind ‘Les Cousines’ garment kits were born. The thread that runs through their brand is their intuitive understanding of the complex intricacies of knitting and sewing your own clothes, and how a brand can stretch-out its open arms to embrace the practicality of what a first beginner needs

This creative thread of understanding was the inspiration for a brand identity connected seamlessly through the continuous flow of illustration that formed the brands visual language. With an eye on a more fashionable approach, we ensured the brands colour palette and overall style matched todays modern market.

Above all it’s the community that counts for Les Cousines, with a ‘we’re all in it together’ vibe of togetherness and joy.

One stitch at a time, they'll get there!

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