We dine Together Apart
We wish everyone an inspiring End of Year. Due to Corona (again) maybe not entirely how we want it to celebrate but nevertheless, together apart, we can make it work. With nice brands on our tables, fun projects to reminisce about and lots of hope for next year. Where we'll find each other back at one big joyful table.
Sandra D: The Long Legged Photographer trying to steal the show behind her camera.
Anne: The Mischievous Lady in Red that sneakily thinks every Cava is her Cava.
Hendrik: The Quality Control Master & Silent Appreciator of a well baked buttery cake

Natalie: The Woman who definitely had one Duvel too many.
Sara: The Sweet Loving Swedish Fika fixer.
Vicky: The Selfie Noob that thinks her hair looks great.
Katrien: The True Believer of ‘Eentje is geentje’.

Patrick: The Adventurous Sailor always casting his gaze towards the horizon looking for opportunities.
Els: The Ravishing Romantic that’s looking forward to her after dinner tête-à-tête.
Ilse: The New Mother who’d rather have a shot than dessert.
Sandra B: The Insatiable Glass Raiser that misses no occasion to say cheers!

Stien: The New Mom that will stop laughing after eating a bag of Chocolates.
Sarah: The Party Animal that ‘peaked too soon’ and frequently regrets the morning after.
Joe: The Demanding Director surveying who to select for a most excellent ballroom waltz.
Gigi: The Pooch that’s tired of getting cat food.
Kobe: The Overworked Butler who's had enough of this bunch of Crazies.