Quatre Mains package design - Package design granen, peulvruchten, delhaize, quatre mains
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GRAINS & PULSES for Delhaize

Our long term partner Delhaize wished to review their 'grains & pulses' range following an increasing trend within this category that reflects consumer desire to adopt a health conscious, organic, plant-based diet. Noticing how competitors have up'd their game, Delhaize decided to follow suit and reaffirm their status as pioneers in this product world.

Our brief was to develop an impactful, recognisable family range that reflects the modern nature of this growing food trend whilst communicating clearly the organic benefits the products promise. Targeting a younger more style conscious consumer target our aim was to outshine the rather bland and uninspiring competitors currently on shelf.

From the Land

Our look & feel was inspired by authentic, hand drawn countryside patterns, creating an attractive and playful link to the land of the ingredients origin. As consumers become more aware of their environment, what they eat and where it comes from, our ‘From the Land’ approach illustrates grain fields and crops, that tie the products back to their source. The little windmill, pitchfork and farmhouse bring a human touch to the design using an unifying illustration style that creates an organic and accessible feel good vibe.

Quatre Mains package design - mix, gedroogde, groenten, haver, gerst, linzen
Quatre Mains package design - couscous, delhaize, specerijen, paprika, komijn
Quatre Mains package design - kruiden, gedroogd, knoflook, peterselie, provencaalse kruiden
Quatre Mains package design - line up, granen, packaging, peulvruchten

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