Quatre Mains package design - Package design loop, earplugs, packaging, quatre mains
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Protect your ears in Style

Loop stands for the reinvention of earplugs. It’s a startup that launched a new earplug for music that reduces decibels and looks fantastic. By combining an acoustic channel and filter for natural sound in eight hot colors, Loop lets wearers avoid hearing loss without looking like a dork. It's elegant, effective and pairs great with outfits from jeans to a tuxedo.

Quatre Mains package design - metallics colours, stylish

Loop’s founders, came home with ringing ears after a night of clubbing. In search of an answer, they tested more than 25 earplugs. None fit their criteria. Because most earplugs distort the music, are uncomfortable and, not to mention downright ugly, they started Loop.

Building on their original identity, we updated, defined and refined their branding and packaging through an understated and stylish approach. The focus was on the subtle but iconic nature of this innovation, which makes a statement whilst blending in with its surroundings. Choosing matte metallic facings, a link is made directly to the product materials and colours, whilst increasing the differentiation between the raving red, flirty rose gold, midnight black, swinging silver and glorious gold reference. On the back of pack, clear technical information is provided to confirm consumers of the products’ quality.

You’ve never seen an earplug look this good.

Quatre Mains package design - hearing, loop, branding, packaging
Quatre Mains package design - back of pack, information, ears
Quatre Mains package design - silver, metal, face, ear, damage

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