Is your packaging ready for 2017?
The year 2017 presents itself as the most complex for those who are engaged in developing consumer goods for the retail market.
Today, we're gazing into the future at three upcoming trends in Packaging Design. From "into the mood" to "balance" to "going off-road", these are what we're predicting will be hot in the new year. So make sure your Packaging Design is future proof.
It seems the next generation consumers are going to want only the best of everything. All thats great from the past blended with the all excitement of future trends to come. This is quite a challenge for a Packaging Designer, but once you understand the consumer needs, you also know what customers truly want and possibly what to do about it.
As experts in our field, Quatre Mains designers screen day-by-day the market and their consumers behavior, aswell as innovations in retail to detect the key trends in Branding and Packaging Design. The year 2017 presents itself as the most complex for those who are engaged in developing consumer goods for the retail market. Consumers want to be involved in everything, but compared with today, in a more simplified and creative manner.
Today, we're gazing into the future at three upcoming trends in Packaging Design. From "into the mood" to "balance" to "going off-road", these are what we're predicting will be hot in the new year. So make sure your Packaging Design is future proof.
- Packaging which puts customers “in the mood”.
Make me smile…, dare me…, fullfil me with happiness…, first impressions are everything. If you are in the mood for a refreshing smoothie then let the packaging increase your need for a smoothie.

- Packaging that focuses on “Balance” in everything.
The key word here is “Balance”. Beauty and functionality are the ultimate dream team because one emotionally lures in the consumer and the other rationally convinces them of its value.

- Packaging that is “going off-road” on purpose.
Packaging that is unafraid to “cut loose” from all the rules, will be appreciated by the fresh Millennials generation, the desicion makers of tomorrow.

Are you seeing the future yet ? We are and it looks bright. Don’t forget to keep up with these trends as they grow and evolve the buisness we love and world we live in.
Patrick De Grande
Quatre Mains, Branding & Packaging Design